Emotional Freedom with Brad Gilbert MFT, CSAT, 916-616-5227

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Specializing in sex and love addiction, marital conflict, anxiety, trauma, Emotional Freedom Techniques and Group Therapy.

Working with individuals and couples to bring back lost sense of self and security in relationships. 

Have you tried resolving your own conflicts and you just can't do it alone?

Are you having problems in your relationships - feeling like you cannot connect with your spouse, family or friends?

Has your partner been unfaithful to you and you know that your relationship needs help?

Do you or a loved one have a problem with pornography?

Do you think you or a loved one has a very bad habit or an addiction?

Do you worry about things to the point that it interferes with your emotional or physical functioning in your relationships or job?

Have you had traumatic experiences and are ready to get some help healing these wounds?


If you felt motivated enough to make it to this website, you have already made the first step!

Brad Gilbert, MFT, CSAT

Call for your free phone consult to determine if we can work together to
help on your path
to recovery and healing.

Brad Gilbert MFT. CSAT, 916-616-5227, bradgilbertmft@gmail.com

We accept all major credit cardsCredit Cards accepted - VISA, Discover, MaterCard, American Express


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