February 2006
Volume 1 Issue 2
The Health e-Newsletter
published by Diamond Integration Healing
Welcome and thanks for
being here! I am Brad Gilbert, Master of Medical Qigong. My wife
Lori Gilbert, Licensed Acupuncturist, is the editor and a contributor
to our newsletter.
This month's topic: Relationships
Are you feeling like you at the edge of a cliff? Are big
decisions are coming your way? February has the early spring-time
scent of Valentine's Day in the air, and with it, expectations.
are yours?
I have noticed a lot of changes going on this month involving
relationships. Some old relationships are breaking up. Ones that have
been unhealthy for years are now unacceptable to those who are choosing
to 'wake up' to this new awareness. New relationships are seeding and
When I had my 'spiritual
awakening' a number of years ago I was having very bad
relationship situation that I had let continue for way too long. A very
spiritual, and close friend of mine prayed for me, in her own way, that
I would find my Divine Source (I was an atheist at the time). A few
months later I was reading a book I would have never read before, Journeys Out of the
Body, by Robert Monroe (You can click on the book
title at the bottom of the page, which will take you to the book and my
review on amazon.com.)
continued with reading all kinds of higher awareness books including
Carlos Casteneda's books like, The Teachings of Don Juan: A
Yaqui Way of Knowledge; other books like The Celestine Prophecy,
by James Redfield, The Game of Life &
How to Play It, by Florence Scovel Shinn, Animal - Speaks,
by Ted Andrews, and many others. I was getting readings from intuitive
people, having Reiki healing sessions, and becoming certified as a
Reiki practitioner myself back then. For me, it was the beginning of my
exploration of
consciousness that brought me out of Ohio, to California, and into
Chinese Medicine.
Now, winding our way back
to our subject of relationships, have you been honest with
yourself about your relationships -- to yourself as well as others? The
more honest you can be with yourself the more honest you can be with
others. The best way you can learn to be honest with yourself is to get
touch with your feelings. Most people do not like the negative feelings
they have stuck inside of them. If you are feeling something other than
peace and joy, you usually want to run away, blaming someone else for
making you feel that way. It is uncomfortable to feel sadness, worry,
and fear. Most of the time we just want to deny their existence,
that stuffing the feelings will just make them go away.
When emotions stay inside
you for a long time they start to take on a life of there own.
They become out of control, and eventually out of your awareness. So
when I talk about getting in touch with your feelings, I mean
specifically the ones that are out of control, or out of your
"So how can I be aware of
something I am not aware of?" I hear you cry! You have to do something different.
"If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what
you have always gotten," (author unknown.) You have
to add some unpredictability to the behavioral tendency of not letting
out your feelings. This does not mean you need to confront those who
are bothered by. You just need to get the stuck emotions out of your
body. There are many ways to get them out, such as, journaling about
them, doing qigong, emotional freedom technique (EFT), finding
somewhere safe to scream, and many other ways. Find a modality that
works for you and go for it--letting them out in the air so you can
breath. I have found this analogy to be accurate with some
who have asthma. Through moving or still meditations you can more
easily find the quiet space inside you where the feeling
When you feel like someone
is messing up your life, and you start to have a lot of negative
feeling towards them remember:
"Everyone Is Responsible, and
No One
Is to Blame."
If you are feeling
resentful of someone you are in a relationship with, it may be because
of the image you have of them in your mind of how
you thought they were or how you wanted them to be. You have
expectations that are not being met, and when you finally are realizing
this, you have an opportunity for change. Having that image, or
your expectations broken may not have anything to do with this person.
Your perception of you, them, and the world at large will have changed
and you then see things in a new light. Others aren't to blame for your
feelings, you alone are
responsible for your own feelings. Others reflect back to you
is already inside you. You attract the patterns you deny inside
because your true self wants you to heal your wounds that are stuffed
Yes there are some exceptions, but in general, this is true 95%
the time.
When I 'escaped' from a
toxic relationship, the big change that occurred was within me. I had
to change to see what was really happening first. This person had
been toxic all along, and so many people had told me this for years,
but I was finally able to start seeing it for myself after I was
willing to do something different when things weren't working. You may
be having the same experience yourself. There is something you
can do.
Resentment, anger, and
jealousy are stored in the Liver. One simple way to work on balancing
these emotions is to do the following meditation: You can sit quietly
and imagine, as you exhale, the negative emotions of resentment, anger
and jealousy releasing out your Liver organ, which is just behind the
lower part of your ribcage on the right side of your body, and inhale
the emotions of compassion and kindness. You can imagine these healing
words filling this organ. Try this for 5 - 15 minutes and see what
Let us know, if you feel so inclined. We would love to here any
or comments you have.
"When positive or joyous feelings and attitudes pass
through each organ and circulate throughout our whole system,
our physical and chemical energies are transformed and balanced."
Tarthang Tulku
